
The "Integrations" tab shows the list of 3rd-party integrations you can have with the Ninja GDPR plugin. It allows you to manage consent and privacy compliance across various services and plugins used on your website. This section helps ensure that user data is handled in accordance with GDPR regulations by integrating with popular services like Google Analytics, WooCommerce, and more.

Common Features Across Most Integrations:

  1. Inject consent checkbox to the forms?:

  • Available for the following integrations: Addthis, WooCommerce, Comments, User Data, Contact Form 7, BuddyPress, Gravity Form etc.

  • This option allows you to add a consent checkbox to forms provided by the respective plugins, ensuring users give their consent before submitting any personal data.

  1. Block cookies from some plugins

  • Google Analytics: Block Google Analytics cookies until user accepts cookies?: When enabled, this setting ensures that Google Analytics cookies are not loaded until the user has explicitly consented to cookies.

  • Facebook Pixel: Block Google Analytics cookies until user accepts cookies?: Similar to Google Analytics, this setting blocks Facebook Pixel tracking cookies until the user consents, thereby complying with privacy regulations.

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