Data Access

The "Data Access" is designed to manage how users can access their personal data stored on the website, in compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR. This section allows you to facilitate user requests for data access.

Here is a detailed documentation of each setting available within this section:

  1. Shortcode:

    • [njt_gdpr_data_access]: This shortcode is intended to be placed on your existing Data Access page. It adds a functional interface through which users can request access to their personal data.

  2. Notification email subject:

    • Input Field: Allows you to specify the subject line for the email notifications sent to users who request access to their data.

  3. Notification email body:

    • Input Field: Provides space to compose the body of the email that will be sent to users regarding their data access requests.

  4. Success Message:

    • Text Field: Allows customization of the message displayed to users after they have successfully submitted a data access request. The default message is set as "Success."

  5. Data Access List:

    • This section displays a list of users who have requested access to their data. It shows columns for User ID, Email, the status of the Email Request, the Request Date, and the Mail Sent Date.

    • Dropdown Actions:

      • Send Email: Allows administrators to send an email response directly to the user.

      • Remove: Enables the removal of a user's request from the list.

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