Shortcode Options
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Last updated
The Shortcode Options tab of the Google Reviews plugin allows you to customize the display of Google Reviews on your website through the use of shortcodes.
Below are the detailed functionalities and options available in this tab:
1. Reviews Section
Dropdown to select the location for which you want to display reviews.
Minimum Review Rating
Dropdown to filter reviews based on the minimum rating. Options include "No filter," "1 star," "2 stars," "3 stars," "4 stars," and "5 stars."
Limit Number of Reviews
Input field to specify the maximum number of reviews to display.
Characters Review Limit
Input field to set a character limit for each review.
2. Design Section
Hide Business Information
Toggle to show or hide the business information in the reviews display.
Display Business Website
Toggle to show or hide the business website link in the reviews.
Display Business Phone
Toggle to show or hide the business phone number in the reviews.
Enable Write a Review Button
Toggle to enable or disable a button that allows users to write a review.
Write a Review Button Name
Input field to customize the text of the "Write a Review" button.
Box Shadow
Toggle to enable or disable a box shadow around the review section.
3. Carousel Section
Toggle to enable or disable the carousel display for reviews.
Carousel Autoplay
Toggle to enable or disable autoplay for the carousel.
Carousel Autoplay Speed
Input field to set the speed of autoplay in milliseconds.
4. Column Section
Buttons to choose between a 1-column or 2-column layout for the reviews display.
5. Cache Data Section
Cache Data
Dropdown to select the caching interval for review data. Options include "1 Hour," "3 Hours," "6 Hours," "12 Hours," and "24 Hours."
6. Shortcode Section
Button: Clicking "Create Shortcode" generates a shortcode based on the selected options and settings.
Input Field: Displays the generated shortcode which can be copied and used in posts, pages, or widgets.